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Mikaela Brandenburg

Registered Trainer


(319) 800-9242

Time of day
Both Daytime and Evening
Schedule Availability
Both weekdays and weekends
Primary Language
Training Language(s)

Trainer Credentials

Age Group Expertise

Infants (0 through 11 months) Young Toddlers (12 through 23 months) Older Toddlers (24 through 35 months) Preschool (36 through 47 months) Pre-K (48 months through Kindergarten entry)

Higher Education

Bachelor's Degree
University of Iowa
International Relations, Chinese

Additional Credentials

American Heart Association - CPR Adult
e American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS) Instructor Program University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
American Heart Association - CPR Child/Infant
AHA University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
CDA - Infant Toddler
CDA National Credentialing Program