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Registered Trainer
WESLEY CHAPEL, FL Pasco Missouri Supporting Early Childhood Administrators - UMKC IHD
Trainer (816) 235-1661
Jennifer Biles has over 25 years of experience in early childhood education, ranging from teaching student teachers to owning and operating her own childcare center. She has a master's degree in Early Childhood and is a Certified Business Analyst. Jennifer has a passion for training and coaching educators in the early childhood field. She believes that directors and owners of childcare centers need to dedicate time to working “on” their business and not merely just “in” their business.
Infants (0 through 11 months) Young Toddlers (12 through 23 months) Older Toddlers (24 through 35 months) Preschool (36 through 47 months) Pre-K (48 months through Kindergarten entry) Kindergarten After School Adult