Registered Trainer
(573) 729-0465
Miles willing to travel
Time of day
Both Daytime and Evening
Schedule Availability
Both weekdays and weekends
Jamin Bray , Co-Director of the Missouri Environmental Education Association (MEEA) provides PD for both formal and nonformal educators statewide. All training is standards-aligned (MLS), engaging and interactive, and topics include (but are not limited to): Teaching and Learning Outdoors, Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) in Environmental Education, Foundations in Teaching Environmental Education, Climate Education, Guidelines for Excellence in Environmental Education, "Mock Trial" Approach to Critical Thinking, Composting Education, Nature-based inquiry, and more to come! MEEA is a nonprofit organization, and we offer PD statewide with support from regional, state and national funding collaborators.
Age Group Expertise
After School
Master's Degree
University of Missouri - Columbia
Parks, Recreation and Tourism
Elementary Education (1-6)