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Brittney Andrade

Registered Trainer


(360) 990-4844

Time of day
Both Daytime and Evening
Schedule Availability
Both weekdays and weekends
Primary Language
Training Language(s)

Trainer Credentials

I love seeing when I teach someone a new concept and they finally understand it or use it on their own. That is a big part of why I love teaching so much. I strive to teach how the student will understand best and use various different teaching techniques to help them. I aim to provide a variety of different examples throughout my trainings in order for the student to be able to picture themselves in the different situations and determine how they would react or what would be best.

Age Group Expertise

Infants (0 through 11 months) Young Toddlers (12 through 23 months) Older Toddlers (24 through 35 months) Preschool (36 through 47 months) Pre-K (48 months through Kindergarten entry) Kindergarten After School Adult

Higher Education

Associate's Degree
Olympic College
Early Childhood Education
Bachelor's Degree
Rasmussen College
Early Childhood Education
Master's Degree
Walden University
Early Childhood Studies